
PSE&G Milling & Paving Notification - Kingsland Street - September 3 & 6, 2024

Commissioner Dr. Joseph P. Scarpelli, would like to notify residents of an upcoming PSE&G project in Nutley that may impact Township residents. This notification is sent to inform residents of the upcoming work so that alternate routes can be planned if needed and to maintain a level of safety within the community.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, weather permitting, PSE&G’s contractor Tilcon NY will be milling Kingsland Street (Essex County Roadway) from Darling Avenue to Bloomfield Avenue. The repaving work will occur on Friday, September 6, 2024

PSE&G informs that all work on Kingsland Street will occur at night beginning at 7 PM per the direction of Essex County.

The contractor performing the roadway work for PSE&G is Tilcon NY.

PSE&G Milling & Paving Notification for September 3 - 4, 2024 - St. Mary's Place & King Street

Commissioner Dr. Joseph P. Scarpelli, would like to notify residents of an upcoming PSE&G project in Nutley that may impact Township residents. This notification is sent to inform residents of the upcoming work so that alternate routes can be planned if needed and to maintain a level of safety within the community.

Starting Tuesday, September 3, 2024, and continuing through Wednesday, September 4, 2024, PSE&G will be milling and repaving the below roadways. The work will primarily occur between the hours of 7 AM to 5 PM and will be contingent on weather conditions.

Roadways impacted by PSE&G Underground Electrical Conduit project:

ST. MARY'S PLACEKing StreetCentre StreetSeptember 3, 2024
KING STREETWesley PlaceSt. Mary's PlaceSeptember 4, 2024

The contractor performing the roadway work for PSE&G is Roman Asphalt Corp.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Public Works at 973-284-4958.

September 16, 2024 Community Blood Drive

Please Schedule Your Next Life-Giving Donation NOW!

Mayor John V. Kelly, III and the Nutley Department of Public Affairs and Health are pleased to partner with Vitalant Blood Services of New Jersey to host a Community Blood Drive on Monday, September 16, 2024, at the Nutley VFW Post 493 located at 271 Washington Avenue. The blood drive will be held between the hours of 3:00pm – 7:00pm, appointments suggested but walk-ins welcome! All safety precautions will be put in place to ensure the health and well-being of all donors and technicians.  Please do not donate if you are sick. As always, donors must be between the ages of 16 and 76, weigh over 110lbs and be in general good health.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please visit and enter blood drive code XNPREC or Zip Code 07110.  You can also sign up by dialing 1-877-258-4825.

New Jersey on a whole is experiencing critically low donation numbers; ranking lowest in the entire country in donations.  There is an urgent need for Type O Negative, O Positive & B Negative Blood Types, but all types are welcome and needed! 

Find answers at to commonly asked questions about COVID-19 and the virus that causes it (novel coronavirus, now called SARS-CoV-2) in relation to blood donation and what Vitalant is doing to keep donors, blood drive coordinators, volunteers, staff and patients safe. If you have a question not covered here, please visit our donor eligibility page, call 877-25-VITAL (877-258-4825) or email us at  

For any additional information, please call the Department of Public Affairs at 973-284-4976.  

2024 Town-Wide Garage Sale to be held Saturday, September 28 and Sunday, September 29

Commisssioner Dr. Joseph P. Scarpelli and the Greenutley Committee announced the Township’s plans to hold its annual town-wide garage sale on Saturday, September 28, 2024 and Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 8am to 5pm.  In the event of inclement weather on Saturday, 9/28 all sales will be held Sunday, 9/29.  The garage sale is a Greenutley initiative designed to raise awareness of the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling.

Permit applications are now available at the Department of Public Works in Town Hall, 2nd Floor. As with all past town-wide garage sales, the $10 permit fee from all participants will be put towards future Greenutley programs.  For additional information about this and all other Greenutley events, please visit, or call (973) 284-4958.

Commissioner Evans Issues Anchor Property Tax Relief Program Update

Township of Nutley Revenue and Finance Commissioner Thomas J. Evans has issued an update on the State’s Anchor Property Tax Relief program.

Letters to homeowners in the program will be sent August 19, 2024. Most homeowners and renters who received benefits last year will have their applications filed automatically.

For those who need to update personal information, such as their mailing address or banking details, a new application will be required by September 15, 2024..

The state will begin distributing payments on a rolling basis in November.  The application deadline is November 30, 2024..

In addition to confirming eligibility for existing beneficiaries, the Division of Taxation will send application mailers to over 2 million residences beginning August 26, 2024 in an effort to reach those who have not previously applied.  

2024 Third Quarter Property Tax Bill Update

Important update regarding your property tax bill from Director of Revenue and Finance Commissioner Thomas J. Evans

Nutley residents’ annual property tax bills will be mailed the week of July 29th. While the bill is due on August 1st, the grace period to pay has been extended to August 30th due to a delay in getting approval from the State of New Jersey. The State did not start approving municipal and county budgets until after June 30th, resulting in a delay for the Essex County Board of Commissioners to certify the tax rate for 2024.

No interest or late charges will be charged during this grace period. However, these charges will apply thereafter.

Despite fears of an overall 5-percent or higher tax rate increase, the actual number is 2.05 percent. Please see the chart below for a full tax breakdown.

If you wish to make a tax payment prior to receiving your bill, please visit our website at

Nutley Junior Police Academy Begins its Second Decade

The Nutley Police Department held its 11th annual Junior Police Academy program last week at Spring Garden School. The free week-long program, under the leadership of Nutley Police Lieutenant Michael Padilla, welcomed students from grades 5-8 to learn basic police fundamentals including marching, self-defense and crime scene processing; experienced working with the Nutley Fire Department and EMS Squad; and took the time to help the Nutley Family Service Food Bank and visit the USS Intrepid Museum in New York City.

“I have to be honest, every year this event takes place, it just makes me prouder and prouder,” Commissioner Alphonse Petracco, Director of Public Safety said. “To see the youth of our town come out and spend a week of their summer learning all about the inner workings of the job our great public safety department does is simply amazing to me. These kids are the treasures of our town. I want to thank and congratulate all of them, as well as their parents for another successful year of the Nutley Junior Police Academy. And special thanks to all the police officers, firemen, EMS and staff who volunteered their time to make this program the groundbreaking event it is.”

Lieutenant Padilla, who spends countless hours volunteering to help the township’s youth programs throughout the year, felt that this year's program was a little different. “This is probably the least stressed I've been about this since I started,” he said, “but that's because of all the support and help that we get doing this. We're a community that cares. We are, as Director Petracco and all of the Commissioners have said, ‘One Nutley.’ So when it comes to putting something together for our kids, there's no red tape. There's nothing that stops us from making  it work.”

Like every year, there are a number of students who step up to be leaders and set examples for the younger kids. This year’s class included a student who has a decorated family history of public safety in Nutley. 

“It's been a really amazing experience,” said Louis DeLitta, grandson of former Nutley Police Chief Robert DeLitta. “The kids are great. The learning is great. We did some different things, different learning experiences, which were so informative. I really enjoyed it.”

This was Matthew Loeser’s third year in the program. “I really enjoyed the Junior Police Academy,” he said.  “I was proud to be the Gray Shirt Squad leader for this year. This is a great experience, from helicopter landings to self-defense demonstrations to going to help and volunteer time at the Family Services Bureau. Plus the field trip to the Intrepid Museum in New York City. That’s really a lot to do in one week. You also learn great leadership skills and discipline as a squad leader and a lot of different fun activities that happen throughout the week that will teach you many different aspects of being a police officer.”

First year attendee Russell Ballou had a pleasantly surprising experience. “I honestly was scared going into this,” the future eighth grader stated.  “I didn't wanna get yelled at. I was like, if it was drill sergeant stuff, that's just not my league. But this was amazing. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. All of the guys that worked here were amazing. They came down to a personal level. I had a great time.”

From day one, the mover and shaker behind the program has been Lieutenant Padilla. After thanking the many who helped keep it thriving, he shared his feelings about not only this year’s class but those that came before.

“The thing that makes me most proud is seeing our kids go and be successful.” the Lieutenant said. “When I see a kid wearing a Junior Police Academy shirt when it's all over, that means that they cared and took pride in what they did. So while the rest of the world's complaining about leadership, we're just gonna keep working on building it here.”

Owens Field Pickleball / Tennis Courts Now Open!

Commissioner Mauro G. Tucci and the Department of Parks and Public Property are proud to announce the opening of the new Pickleball and Tennis Courts at Owens Field.  The addition of six new pickleball courts and reconstructing of two tennis courts have been completed for everyone to enjoy. The department is planning a Grand Opening with a date TBD.

2023 Water Quality Report Now Available

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require that all public water systems issue an annual Water Quality Report. The intent of this regulation is to inform consumers about the source and quality of their drinking water, and to assemble this information in an easy to read format.

This is the annual report on the quality of water delivered by the Township of Nutley. It meets the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requirement for “Consumer Confidence Reports” and contains information on the source of our water, its constituents, and the health risks associated with any contaminants. The purpose of this report is to provide our customers with information on the sources of their drinking water, how this water gets to each customer, potential substances that may be found in drinking water, some related health information, and a
listing of the substances present in our water and how their levels compare to the state and federal drinking water regulations.

I am pleased to report that our drinking water is safe and meets all federal and state requirements.

The Nutley Water Department has also taken an aggressive program to identify and remove any lead service lines within our system and is actively implementing other improvements to our water system to provide you with a better quality of drinking water. These improvements include: water system valve exercising, hydrant flushing, along with examining our ability to access other sources of water.

The Township of Nutley is committed to providing our customers and the community with high quality drinking water through prompt service, courteous and helpful communication, and excellence in the distribution of our most valued resource… water.

Commissioner Dr. Joseph P. Scarpelli
Director of Public Works

Nutley Begins Work on Town Hall Municipal Plaza

The Township of Nutley recently began work on a newly renovated Municipal Plaza located directly in front of the Town Hall. The spectacular renovations will replace the diseased plum trees and upgrade the monuments that had fallen into disrepair. The plaza improvement will also include installation of new walkways, along with beautiful accent shrubbery, plantings and a sitting wall. Additionally, the town square portion will accommodate the Township’s annual Christmas tree.

A beautiful new mall-like area will be established in Memorial Park that will include the Korean War Plaque, Pervis Robinson Plaque, Ray Blum Plaque, and brand new soon-to-be-dedicated Global War On Terrorism and Spanish-American War monuments. Actual placement and fundraising for the new monuments will be implemented in conjunction with the various Nutley Veterans organizations. 

"This renovation has been in the works for a few years," says Commissioner Mauro G. Tucci, whose Parks and Public Property Department this project falls under. The concept and design was accomplished in consultation with the entire Board of Commissioners. "What we have come up with is nothing less than stunning. Once completed, Nutley's Municipal Plaza and Memorial Park will be the envy of every town in the state.”

General Information
Phone Numbers
(973) 284-4926
Emergencies: Dial 911
1 Kennedy Drive

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm