Joint Statement of the Nutley Board of Commissioners

The Nutley Board of Commissioners condemns the alarming growth of discrimination aimed at Asian-Americans-Pacific Islanders (AAPI), amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic throughout our nation and within our township. 

News outlets along with local sources are reporting an alarming surge in anti-Asian racism.  All legal efforts will be put forth to prevent the public targeting of Asian-Americans (AAPI), which ranges from bias incidents to hate crimes to inappropriate lawn signs, while remaining cognizant of our Nations Constitutional right of free speech. 

Those that perpetuate hate crimes, racism and violate anti-discrimination laws against Asian Americans, and any others will be answerable for their actions. 

We ask residents to take affirmative steps to acknowledge, condemn, and correct acts of prejudice and hate. Our goal is not to alienate, marginalize, or disregard any of our community members, regardless of race or ethnicity. 

“Our goal is to protect and promote mutual respect and appreciation for all people and cultures within our community with no exceptions” stated Mayor Mauro G. Tucci.

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