Nutley RAKES Program Support Seniors Over Holiday Weekend

Commissioner Joseph P. Scarpelli reported that the 16th Annual Department of Public Works’ RAKES (Random Acts of Kindness Extended to Seniors) Program, with over 70 volunteers, cleaned and bagged the leaves of 36 senior citizens’ properties over the holiday weekend.  

“I would like to thank Coach Helm, Mr. Piro and the Nutley Raiders football team, the Cub Scouts, the International Club, the Pramagoulis family, and all our other volunteers for once again giving back their time to help out our seniors in raking and bagging their leaves. Most of these groups have been with us from the beginning of this successful community spirit program.”

The program is a holiday tradition that takes place the weekend following Thanksgiving every year. “The spirit and volunteers of the RAKES program are what the holidays are all about,” Scarpelli added.  “We are proud and honored to be able to help our community every year.” 

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