The search box below only searches text written in the below areas. To search the entire site, please use the main search box above or from the homepage.
If you are dealing with a sick, injured or orphaned animal please call the Nutley Health Department at (973) 284-4976 or for emergencies, weekends, holidays and after office hours please call the Police Department at (973) 284-4950.
Permits are a requirement of the State of New Jersey to ensure safety. The Department of Consumer Affairs, Division of Codes and Standards oversees the Uniform Construction Code.
Please call or visit the Nutley Building Department prior to starting any construction to check if a permit is required.
Cash and checks are the only forms of payment accepted by the Nutley Building Department. All checks should be made payable to "Township of Nutley." If you are paying by mail, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with payment. When paying with cash, providing exact change is always appreciated. Credit and debit cards are not accepted.
No, the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Code of Ethics prohibits the all members of the Building department from making contractor recommendations. However, you can ask the Building Department employees if a contractor works often in the township. Additionally, the Building Department will always encourage property and business owners to hire local contractors solely due to the word-of-mouth nature of the construction business.
Please visit the following website. General contractors and builders are required to have a Home Improvement Contractor's License, while electricians and plumbers must have their own licenses.
The best time to reach all of the inspectors is between 8:00am and 9:00am, before they leave the office for inspections. The majority of an inspector's work day is spent out of the office on job sites. If you need to schedule an inspection, please contact the office staff, not the inspector directly.
The enforced allowed hours of construction are as follows:
Monday through Friday: 7:00am and 10:00pm
Saturday and Sunday: 7:00am and 10:00pm
The hours construction is allowed are determined by Township ordinance and enforced by the Nutley Police Department. Should you have a complaint about construction occurring outside of these allowed hours, please speak with a member of the Nutley Police Department at (973) 284-4940.
Homeowners are allowed to do all of their own construction if the work site is a single-family, owner-occupied, detached residence. Homeowners are held to the same standard of work as licensed contractors. The same permits are required regardless of who is doing the work. If the residence is a multiple-family dwelling or owned with the intent to sell, all work must be conducted by licensed contractors. Under no circumstances are unlicensed contractors allowed to do any residential construction. All commercial construction must be done by licensed electricians and plumbers.
Homeowners are allowed to prepare their own drawings if the work site is single-family, owner-occupied. Owners often do their own drawings for smaller interior renovations (kitchens, bathrooms) and decks. Sample drawings for these projects are available in the Building Department office. Since owners are held to the same code standard as an architect, most hire an architect to prepare plans for larger projects (additions, new homes). All architects must be licensed by the State of New Jersey.
Only the following drawings may be prepared by contractors: riser diagram by a licensed plumber, electrical service plan by a licensed electrician and HVAC ductwork diagram by a Home Improvement Contractor. Any other drawings prepared by contractors, Home Depot, Lowes, cabinet companies, or any third party other than a licensed architect are NOT acceptable.
*All drawings for commercial or multiple-dwelling construction must be prepared by an architect.
Currently, a property owner has two options to legally decommission an underground oil tank: to abandon the tank in place by having it filled with sand or foam and to remove the oil tank from the property. Both options require a building permit and the work must be done by a contractor certified with the State of NJ to work on unregulated heating oil tanks. HOWEVER, property owners should be informed that when they sell their property, they will most likely be forced to remove any underground oil tanks on the premises- whether they have been properly filled or not. Homeowners' insurance companies regularly refuse to issue new policies to home buyers if there is an underground oil tank on the property. As well, our staff has heard stories of owners not being allowed to change or upgrade homeowner’s insurance policies with an underground tank on site. Removing previously-filled tanks has therefore become increasingly common. Additionally, a tank being previously-filled does not guarantee that the tank does not have a hole in it.
Yes. Garage Sale permits may be obtained by visitng the Code Enforcement in Town Hall, 2nd Floor. Permit Fee is $10.
Households may only hold one sale per 12 month period and all sales shall be conducted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. only.
Please click here to begin the registration process or click the “Emergency Notifications” button on the homepage.
Roadway pavement and reconstruction work recommendations are made by the Township Engineer, and are based on road surface condition and traffic volume. The roads to be repaved or reconstructed are determined by the Director of Public Works and funded in the capital budget.
Colored flags usually represent underground utility mark outs. If any digging is to be done in the area, the contractor, by law, must first call for a utility mark out. All the local utility companies will then come and mark the approximate location of their underground utility lines. Sometimes the name of the utility company is marked on the flag. Professional land surveyors also mark out property corners, or survey markers. They sometimes mark the proposed location of something that is to be constructed. These colored markings are ribbon tied to a piece of wood to signify the approximate location of the survey point.
You may report burned out street lights or lights on all day long by contacting the Engineering Department at (973) 284-4958 or by contacting PSE&G at 1-800-436-7734 or by logging into your account at .
Report the utility pole number (Example: NT786E) found on the tag at “eye height,” and its location (Example: corner of Franklin Avenue and Brookfield Avenue or # XYZ Bloomfield Avenue).
Requests for additional street lighting should be directed to the Engineering Coordinator
Flood look ups can be performed by individuals seeking to see if their home is within a flood zone by visiting the following website:
Nutley Department of Public Works - (973) 284-4984, is responsible for services on municipal roads. County and state roads are serviced by their respective agencies. A list of county and state roads along with contact information for these agencies is provided below.
The COUNTY ROADS in Nutley are:
Essex County Department of Public Works
900 Bloomfield Avenue
Verona, NJ, 07044
Department of Public Works (973) 226-8500
Division of Roads & Transportation (973) 239-3366
The STATE ROADS in Nutley are:
NJ Department of Transportation (NJDOT)
(609) 588-6211
NJ State Department of Transportation
Click here for Tax Collection.
Clcik here for that information.
Garbage pickup is regulated by the Health Department. For more information. please click here or call (973) 284-4976.
As of November 1, 2014, Trash Removal is collected twice a week with the Town being separated into 2 Zones:
Bulk items are picked up, town wide, every Wednesday. Items need to be placed at the curb on Tuesday evenings for a Wednesday pick up. Trucks may start pick up as early as 6:00am.
As per contract, average quantities are anticipated to be five (5) small items – the size of a kitchen chair and smaller, and may be handled by one person, and three (3) large items – the size of a large living room couch and handled by no more than two persons.
White Goods, and/or Metal items are picked up every Wednesday. Items need to be placed at the curb on Tuesday evenings.
Collection will resume on your next scheduled collection day.
Recycling will not be collected on the following holidays:
Independence Day • Labor Day • Columbus Day • Election Day • Veterans Day • Thanksgiving • Christmas Day • New Year’s Day • ML King’s Birthday • President’s Day • Good Friday
Garbage will not be collected on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day • Memorial Day • Independence Day • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day • Christmas Day
Recyclables are to be placed in the correct container at curbside no earlier than 5:00 PM the night before or no later than 6:00 AM the day of collection. For more information, please click here or call the Department of Public Works at (973) 284-4984.
Effective May 1, 2015 Vegetative Waste and Yard Debris Regulations have changed and are picked up by the Garbage Collector!
Township-wide pickup by the garbage collector will be on WEDNESDAYS, excluding holidays (April 15 - December 15)
Fall Leaf Collection pickup by the Garbage Collector will occur on WEDNESDAYS from October 15 thru December 15.
All leaves must be placed in a CONTAINER or BROWN BIO-DEGRADABLE PAPER BAGS and will be picked up curbside during this time period. No other yard debris will be accepted.
The Township of Nutley Department of Public Works will be sponsoring FREE Special Electronics Drop Off Days. In addition, the Essex County Utiltiies Authority sponsors two collection dates in May and October of each year.
For additional information and collection dates, please contact the Department of Public Works at (973) 284-4984 or visit to view the current recycling guide and events calendar.
Computer and Laptops | Monitors | Stereos and Speakers |
FAX Machines | Printers | Televisions |
Microwaves | Scanners | VCR and DVD Players |
33 Branch Street, Paterson
Monday - Friday • 8:00am - 5:00pm
Residents may drop off their electronics year-round for recycling free of charge.
Computer and Electronics Recycling Day
May and October (TBA) • 9:00am - 3:00pm
99 West Bradford Avenue, Cedar Grove
Please contact 973-792-9060 or visit for additional information.
Nutley Health Department has a program entitled, “A Nurse in the Family.” This program is free to Nutley residents. Simple call the Health Department to obtain information regarding resources and program availability for your own healthcare needs or the healthcare needs of a loved one with a chronic disability, medical and/or cognitive issues. Resource information and referrals will be provided, as appropriate, regarding but not limited to the following:
No matter the volume or degree of health care challenges you or your loved one face, you are not alone. We at the Nutley Department of Health will treat you like family. For more information call (973) 284-4976 to begin learning what resources can assist you in caring for yourself and the ones you love.
Historically, the Nutley Health Department housed a Visiting Nurse Agency certified by the federal government and State of New Jersey. During this time, residents had the pleasure of having a local agency provided, when they qualified, skilled nursing visits and home health aide services. Unfortunately, the Certificate of Need for this services was transferred to a local hospital who now provides that services to Nutley residents. The following is a brief list of the many Certified Visiting Nurse Agencies that provided services to the residents of Nutley:
What Nutley does offer is a visit from Seniors Public Health Nurse who is available to “check in” with Nutley’s essentially homebound seniors. These visits are carried out on a periodic (often every 4-8 weeks) basis. Although this nurse does not provide any “hands on/skilled care” she will be able to identify needs making recommendations/referrals as appropriate. If you are interested in beginning this no cost service you can simply call (973) 284.4976.
Temporary Rental Assistance (TRA) is a payment given to an applicant/recipient landlord in order to prevent homelessness, when the recipient is facing eviction and needs help to stay in his/her current residence. You can contact this program at (973)733-3183 or refer to the following website for more information:
Please fill out and submit the below form and the Historic Preservation Committee will review your submission.
Click here for the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request form. If emailing request form, please direct to
The Board of Commissioners meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, with some exceptions. Click here for current meeting schedule.
Click here for contact information for the Board of Commissioners.
To register to vote, change your address, or change your name, you must complete a voter registration application and mail to the Essex County Commissioner of Registration at PO Box 690, Newark, NJ 07101-0690. Click here for application.
To obtain a Raffle License, your organization must register with the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission. Click here for information.
Once your organization is registered with the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission, you must file an application for a Raffle License with the municipality in which the raffle will be conducted.
Click here for polling locations.
Passport application and renewal forms can be picked up at the Municipal Clerk's Office or downloaded from the federal State Department . Passports take approximately 4 weeks before they are received. Rush Services are available.
Applying for Passports
You may apply for a passport in person at the Essex County Clerk's office or at their outreach program in Nutley.
Yes, the Municipal Clerk's Office has notaries on staff. There is no charge for Notary Services.
he Township requires that all dogs and cats be licensed annually. A certificate of rabies vaccination is required to obtain a license.
Licenses can be obtained by contacting the Municipal Clerk's Office at (973) 284-4955 or email
Free Rabies Clinics are offered in April. To protect your pet from rabies you are urged to have your dog or cat vaccinated. You will not receive a license without proof of rabies vaccine. For more information regarding clinics please contact the Health Department at (973) 284-4976.
You have the right to represent yourself in Municipal Court matters. However, we cannot give you legal advice. Only your lawyer may provide you with legal information.
This Court does not issue points; that is a function of the Motor Vehicle Commission. Contact the Motor Vehicle Commission at:
(888) 486-3339 toll-free in NJ
(609) 292-6500 out-of-state
(609) 292-5120 TTY
If you were issued a summons for a payable offense you may pay online at; mail a check or money order or go to the Violations Bureau Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm, excluding holidays.
Municipal appeals must be filed within 20 days of your conviction. You may ask the court staff for an appeal packet or you may download the forms at:
No. All contested matters must be heard in open court and on the record.
The ticket will not appear online until it is entered into the ATS system by the court. Local police tickets are generally entered within 4 days of issuance. State and County Police tickets are generally entered within 7 days.
Sentences in Municipal Court may include jail time, probation, community service, loss of driver’s license, restitution and fines in addition to other penalties. A conviction of a disorderly or petty disorderly persons offense would also result in a criminal record. Therefore, persons appearing in Municipal Court may wish to be represented by an attorney. If you do not know an attorney, you may contact:
Generally, the court date means the date uncontested violations must be paid.
You must call the court prior to the date on the summons for further instructions. The most likely reason is that the officer failed to check the box for a mandatory court appearance violation. The date on your summons is the day you must appear in court.
Bail acts as a surety that the person will appear in court.
Both are located in the Public Safety Building, 228 Chestnut Street.
There is limited parking available in front of the Municipal Building across the street from where court is located. Metered parking is also available along Chestnut Street and visitors can park for up to 2 hours.
Appointments to speak with the Mayor may be scheduled by contacting (973) 284-4972.
Contact the Office of the Mayor at (973) 284-4972.
Please provide the following information in your request:
Contact the Office of the Mayor at (973) 284-4972. Please provide a full description of the individual or event to be honored or recognized with background material as appropriate for the occasion
Please contact the Office of the Mayor at (973) 284-4972 to schedule the ceremony.
Please visit our sports website at
Yes, we accept credit cards online and very soon at the window in the recreation department.
Anyone who wants to volunteer to coach must contact the recreation department or write on the child’s application under requests. All volunteers must be Rutgers Safety trained in order to work with children.
Please contact the recreation department and fill out a field request form.
We will issue a refund up until the first game of the season, once the first game is played there will be no refunds given.
Please sign up for email alerts though the township website to get notifications of upcoming programs.
Please click here to begin the registration process or click the “Emergency Notifications” button on the homepage.
Effective January 1, 2016 residents can now register online for all adult and chidren recreation classes and programs via Community Pass.
Please click here to view and register for programs.
You can download the Jitney schedule by clicking here.
Please contact Crissy Frusteri at the recreation office at or (973) 284-4951 x2507.
No, our programs are for township children only.
Please visit our sports website at
Emergency Response: 9-1-1
Parking is prohibited on all streets between the hours of 2:00am - 5:00am. In unusual circumstances, such as overnight guests or driveway repairs, you may call the police desk and request permission to park overnight.
For potholes on township streets, contact us. Someone from our road division will come out and assess whether it is a pothole or a sinking utility trench. We will either repair the pothole or inform the responsible agency if is not under our jurisdiction. Residents are encouraged to report any potholes immediately.
When a major snow storm occurs the main streets are plowed first for emergency vehicle access, then all other streets. Our fleet of plows and salters allows us to clear many streets at the same time. It is our desire to clear all streets quickly efficiently and with the least inconvenience to our residents.
If you see debris in the catch basin causing water not to drain please contact us and we will have some one come out and clear it. If the catch basin is damaged, contact us and we will repair it. If the basin is on a State or County road, we will make the appropriate referral for cleaning or repairs.
Please contact us at (973) 284-4984 if a street sign is damaged or down (parking restrictions, street name, directional signs) we will send someone from our traffic maintenacne division to repair or replace it. If the sign belongs to the County or State, we will contact them.
Call the Department Public Works at (973) 284-4984 during the hours of 7:30am - 4:00pm. After 4:00pm, weekends and holidays, contact the Police Department at (973) 284-4950 and a Sewer Department employee will be dispatched to your home.
The Public Works Department can also inspect the sewer lateral with the use of a video camera to determine the problem - (There is a charge for this service).
In general, town trees are located either on town property or within ten (10) feet of the curb line on town streets. If a tree needs to be trimmed or removed, contact the Parks Department at (973) 284-4966 and our Shade Tree Supervisor will come out to assess the condition of the tree and determine what the tree needs. The town does NOT service trees on private property or along county and state roads except in emergency situations.
You can pickup a copy of a Tree Removal packet at Parks and Recreation at 44 Park Avenue.
You can also download fill it out and either return it in person to Parks and Recreation.
The amount of your bill depends on two factors. The first is the assessed value of your property, which is the Assessor's job. The second is the tax rate, expressed as dollars per hundred, for each taxing entity in which the property is located. This rate is set by the budgets of taxing entities (i.e. county, municipalities, and school boards) in which the property is located. The Essex County Board of Taxation then strikes the tax rate from the total amount of taxes needed to be collected.
A tax appeal is not an appeal of your tax bill. The amount of taxes you pay is never an issue during an appeal because neither the Assessor nor the Essex County Board of Taxation has control over budgets submitted by municipalities, schools, counties or fire districts.
Generally speaking, improvements that increase the market value of a property will increase the assessed value. The following are a few examples of items that will increase the assessed value of your property:
Land and building assessments cannot be appealed separately.
No. Comparable assessments are not acceptable evidence of the value of your property. You should submit at least three recent comparable sales of other properties of a similar type in the same neighborhood.
The filing deadline is April 1 of the tax year in question. This means that the appeal form must be received on or before April 1. Date of mailing is not used in determining whether an appeal is timely.
The senior citizen and veteran (including widow/er of a veteran) property tax deductions are $250 for each. Applications are available at the Assessor's office. For more information including eligibility requirements, please visit the New Jersey Division of Taxation website at - under Property Tax Relief.
The deadline for applying for these deductions is Dec. 31. Forms for each are available at the Assessor's Office.
Tax payments may be made with check, cash, money order, e-check, debit and credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express). There are fees associated with paying your bill online. Those convenience fees are as follows:
Credit card payments can be made at the tax office or online at this web site. Please refer to Online Payments on our home page.
We cannot accept credit card payments after November 13th for current year taxes. Payments after December 5th must be made by cash/certified check or money order only. Any open balances after December 31st of the current year are subject to our tax sale.
Payments May Be Mailed to:
Township of Nutley
Tax Collector
1 Kennedy Drive
Nutley, NJ 07110
*** Please provide the accurate block/lot or account number on all payment methods to insure that your account is properly credited ***
A dropbox is also located by the front entrance of Town Hall for after hours payments.
Tax bills are mailed out once a year, unless there is a delay in striking the tax rate. In that case, estimated tax bills are mailed late June or early July and the final tax bill is mailed out in early September. New bills are not mailed when there is a change in ownership, you must contact the tax office and request a bill.
Property taxes are billed in Nutley on a calendar year, January 1st to December 31st. The First Quarter covers January-March; Second Quarter covers April-June; Third Quarter covers July-September; and Fourth Quarter covers October-December. Payments are due in the middle of each quarter on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, November 1st. There is a 10 day grace period. On the 11th day, interest is calculated back to the 1st of the month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or legal holiday, you have until the next business day to make payment. We cannot accept postmarks. Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes.
If your tax bill states “ADVICE COPY”, your mortgage company has received the actual bill for payment. The “Advice Copy” is provided by the Township as a courtesy copy for your records. If your bill does not state “ADVICE COPY” and you have a mortgage, please contact your mortgage company and ask them to submit the form that will provide us with their identifying information. If does not state “ADVICE COPY” and you do not have a mortgage, you are responsible for paying the tax and you must use this bill to pay the taxes.
All appeal questions should be directed to the Tax Assessor’s Office (973) 284-4956.
Please submit a written request for a redemption amount, with a date that you will be making the payment, along with the block/lot/lien number. This payment must be certified funds, cash, or money order. Send request for redemption to:
Township of Nutley
Tax Collector
1 KennedyDrive
Nutley, NJ 07110
Fax Number: (973) 661-0145
Your request should be directed to the Tax Assessor’s Office (973) 284-4956.
You will be sent a letter from the Assessor after the improvement has been issued a Certificate of Occupancy. The letter will advise you of the additional assessed value due and what year(s) are involved. The new assessment will cause additional bill(s) to be issued. The bill called an “Added Assessment Bill” will be sent out in October and due November 1st (4th qtr.) of the current year and February 1st and May 1st. of the following year. The added assessment bill must be combined together with your original tax bill that was received in June. When the following year’s tax bill is generated the following June, all taxes will be combined into one bill.
A deed is an official document, recorded at the county level and a new deed has to be recorded to add or delete anyone from the official record of ownership. We recommend that you seek legal assistance from an attorney or title company specializing in property transactions. If you are listed as a Joint Tenant no change is required but is recommended and one needs to bring an original certified copy of the death certificate to the Tax Assessor.
Call the Bureau of Vital Statistics (973) 284-4976. If marriage, birth or death occurred in Nutley you can write to the Health Department with detailed information, requesting copy of the certificate. Also send $10.00 and a copy of your Picture ID (Driver License).
There is a Registrar in the office Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:00pm
If necessary, Marriage Licenses can be applied for on Monday evenings, by appointment only. Please contact the Registrar’s office at 973-284-4976.
Licenses are issued through the Nutley Health Department located in the Public Affairs Building, 149 Chestnut Street.
Call the Bureau of Vital Statistics (973) 284-4976. If marriage, birth or death occurred in Nutley you can write to the Health Department with detailed information, requesting copy of the certificate. Also send $10.00 and a copy of your Picture ID (Driver License).
There is a Registrar in the office Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:00pm
If necessary, Marriage Licenses can be applied for on Monday evenings, by appointment only. Please contact the Registrar’s office at 973-284-4976.
Licenses are issued through the Nutley Health Department located in the Public Affairs Building, 149 Chestnut Street.
Water bills are mailed on a quarterly basis for all residential water customers and monthly for commercial and high volume customers.
Bills can be paid in person at Town Hall, dropped in the payment box in front of Town Hall, mailed or submitted online. Please remember, it is never a good idea to leave cash in the drop box. The Township of Nutley is not responsible for cash payments deposited into the drop box.
All bills are due and payable within thirty days of the billing date. Interest will accrue at a rate of 8% per annum.
Visit Online Payments to learn more about paying your bills online.
Final meter readings are required if you are selling your home or if a tenant is moving out. Please contact our office at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a final water meter reading. Appointments are scheduled for 7:30am or 12:30pm weekdays. Requests may also be emailed or submitted online.
The account will be changed to the new owner's or tenant's name on the closing date.
If you like to change where your bill is sent to, please call (973) 284-4962 or email
Please Note:
All water bills are mailed to the property owner's tax mailing address on record, as default. If you would also like to have your tax mailing address changed also, you must contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (973) 284-4956.
Water bills are mailed on a quarterly basis for all residential water customers and monthly for commercial and high volume customers.
Bills can be paid in person at Town Hall, dropped in the payment box in front of Town Hall, mailed or submitted online. Please remember, it is never a good idea to leave cash in the drop box. The Township of Nutley is not responsible for cash payments deposited into the drop box.
All bills are due and payable within thirty days of the billing date. Interest will accrue at a rate of 8% per annum.
Visit Online Payments to learn more about paying your bills online.
Final meter readings are required if you are selling your home or if a tenant is moving out. Please contact our office at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a final water meter reading. Appointments are scheduled for 7:30am or 12:30pm weekdays. Requests may also be emailed or submitted online.
The account will be changed to the new owner's or tenant's name on the closing date.
If you like to change where your bill is sent to, please call (973) 284-4962 or email
Please Note:
All water bills are mailed to the property owner's tax mailing address on record, as default. If you would also like to have your tax mailing address changed also, you must contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (973) 284-4956.
Nutley receives the majority of its potable water from the Passaic Valley Water Commission (PVWC). Its main facility is the Little Falls Water Treatment Plant in Totowa, NJ. Water is diverted from the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, is treated, filtered and disinfected at the plant. In drought conditions or other emergency, water from the Point View Reservoir in Wayne, NJ can be used to supplement river sources. Treated water is then mixed at PVWC’s main pumping station with treated water from the North Jersey District Water Supply Commission’s Wanaque Reservoir treatment plant. Water is then pumped into underground transmission lines running through Nutley. Nutley has four (4) intake pit areas along this transmission line located at:
Coeyman Avenue • Ridge Road • Centre Street • Meacham Avenue
At these intakes, the water goes into our distribution system. The water is then conveyed into all homes or businesses connected to the system.
The City of Newark serves a small area of Nutley with Pequannock Reservoir Water. This area is located west of Ridge Road and Van Winkle Avenue and bordered by Glenview Road, the Township of Nutley/Bloomfield boundary line and East Passaic Avenue.
The Nutley Water Department is a public community water system and purchases water from the following water systems:
The Nutley Water Department routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to federal and state laws.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require that all public water systems issue an annual Water Quality Report. The intent of this regulation is to inform consumers about the source and quality of their drinking water, and to assemble this information in an easy to read format.
The Water Quality Report is mailed out annual to all Water Department customers. Additional copies of the report are available upon request.
Call the Nutley Water Department at 973-284-4984. If after hours, contact the Police Department at 973-284-4940.
Try to remove your brown water by running the cold water from your tap for about 20 minutes.
Most time brown water is caused by a disruption of water flow in the water main. The most common causes are a fire hydrant being opened or a break in the water main.
Most brown water is not dangerous although it is aesthetically unappealing.
Any further questions, contact the Nutley Water Department.
Nutley receives the majority of its potable water from the Passaic Valley Water Commission (PVWC). Its main facility is the Little Falls Water Treatment Plant in Totowa, NJ. Water is diverted from the Passaic and Pompton Rivers, is treated, filtered and disinfected at the plant. In drought conditions or other emergency, water from the Point View Reservoir in Wayne, NJ can be used to supplement river sources. Treated water is then mixed at PVWC’s main pumping station with treated water from the North Jersey District Water Supply Commission’s Wanaque Reservoir treatment plant. Water is then pumped into underground transmission lines running through Nutley. Nutley has four (4) intake pit areas along this transmission line located at:
Coeyman Avenue • Ridge Road • Centre Street • Meacham Avenue
At these intakes, the water goes into our distribution system. The water is then conveyed into all homes or businesses connected to the system.
The City of Newark serves a small area of Nutley with Pequannock Reservoir Water. This area is located west of Ridge Road and Van Winkle Avenue and bordered by Glenview Road, the Township of Nutley/Bloomfield boundary line and East Passaic Avenue.
The Nutley Water Department is a public community water system and purchases water from the following water systems:
The Nutley Water Department routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to federal and state laws.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require that all public water systems issue an annual Water Quality Report. The intent of this regulation is to inform consumers about the source and quality of their drinking water, and to assemble this information in an easy to read format.
The Water Quality Report is mailed out annual to all Water Department customers. Additional copies of the report are available upon request.
Call the Nutley Water Department at 973-284-4984. If after hours, contact the Police Department at 973-284-4940.
Try to remove your brown water by running the cold water from your tap for about 20 minutes.
Most time brown water is caused by a disruption of water flow in the water main. The most common causes are a fire hydrant being opened or a break in the water main.
Most brown water is not dangerous although it is aesthetically unappealing.
Any further questions, contact the Nutley Water Department.
A zoning permit is required for all types of development applications including and not limited to when a house or garage is constructed or altered or when a homeowner installs a new patio, shed, or fence. Contact our office if you are unsure if a permit is needed or not.
As per the New Jersey State Municipal Land Use Law the Zoning Office has 10 business days to approve or deny a zoning permit.
It depends upon the application that is being submitted; however, generally you will need to submit a copy of the zoning permit application (which can be found on our homepage) along with two copies of your survey to scale showing all existing and proposed conditions along with the application fee. Call the Zoning and Planning Office for more detail.
Please contact the Zoning and Planning Office since the forms you will need to complete will depend upon the type of application you are submitting.
All sheds must be located three feet from your rear lot line, five feet for your side lot lines and a minimum of 10 feet from any principal structure (i.e. house or any porch, deck, or steps attached to your house) on your lot.
All pools (both above and in-ground) must be located a minimum of 15 feet from any side or rear lot line and must be located a minimum of 10 feet from any principal structure (i.e. house or any porch, deck, or steps attached to your house) on your lot. Pools cannot be located in any front or required side yard. All setbacks for pools are measured from the apron around to pool and not the water's edge.
Please contact the Zoning and Planning Office for specific information.
You will need to contact the Township Engineering Office at (973) 284-4958.
You will need to contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (973) 284-4956.
A zoning permit is required for all types of development applications including and not limited to when a house or garage is constructed or altered or when a homeowner installs a new patio, shed, or fence. Contact our office if you are unsure if a permit is needed or not.
As per the New Jersey State Municipal Land Use Law the Zoning Office has 10 business days to approve or deny a zoning permit.
It depends upon the application that is being submitted; however, generally you will need to submit a copy of the zoning permit application (which can be found on our homepage) along with two copies of your survey to scale showing all existing and proposed conditions along with the application fee. Call the Zoning and Planning Office for more detail.
Please contact the Zoning and Planning Office since the forms you will need to complete will depend upon the type of application you are submitting.
All sheds must be located three feet from your rear lot line, five feet for your side lot lines and a minimum of 10 feet from any principal structure (i.e. house or any porch, deck, or steps attached to your house) on your lot.
All pools (both above and in-ground) must be located a minimum of 15 feet from any side or rear lot line and must be located a minimum of 10 feet from any principal structure (i.e. house or any porch, deck, or steps attached to your house) on your lot. Pools cannot be located in any front or required side yard. All setbacks for pools are measured from the apron around to pool and not the water's edge.
Please contact the Zoning and Planning Office for specific information.
You will need to contact the Township Engineering Office at (973) 284-4958.
You will need to contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (973) 284-4956.